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FIX CANADA 22st Edition: EBOOK (PDF)


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The book is a collection of clear and penetrating essays written by the unabashedly conservative Jeff Willerton. Each original essay is followed by an update on the issues covered therein, and there's enough history in the mix to make things make sense. As one reader said, “It's like Willerton has taken historical facts and current events, connected them together like pieces of a puzzle, and presented it in a way that anyone can understand.”

People have read early editions five, six, seven times. A reader claims to have read the 16th edition between ten and fifteen times. Another described the 17th as the best twenty bucks he’d ever spent, the message in the 18th “should be shouted from the rooftops” said another, and the expanded COVID-19th edition was the atomic bomb compared to the series of conventional weapons that preceded it. The 22st is not just the latest and greatest, it's the book that all the earlier editions wanted to be when they grew up.

ONLY $10.00 (it's an Ebook...saves on shippping)

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